At Aesthetica we understand and appreciate that time, lifestyle and even heredity can soften our face and body and with the years change the shape and size of certain parts. Scores of people would love to ‘feel good’ about themselves by ‘looking good’ and literally turning the clock back. There is something to be said for the confidence boost that such an effort calls for and making effort demands a strength of character. Why let yourself go when you can go back with such ease and comfort to the way you once were.

The Aesthetica experience is professional, hi-tech, painless and patterned for maximum benefit with every procedure carried out by experts who have already established their credentials in the realm of cosmetic reorientation.

Some of the bespoke procedures will touch a chord in you and you will ask yourself; yes, why not?


Macrolane is a Hyaluronic Acid body-contour filler used for figure-shaping and enhancing body shapes. The procedure is safe and has to be repeated after every 5 – 6 months to ensure the continuity of the form and figurer. This procedure is recommended for patients who need slight correction in symmetry or wish to settle for less volume. It is not recommend for patients who seek a larger volume.


A more detailed discussion on the tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty is called for as a special category because it is so popular and the results are dramatic and very impressive. Re-sculpting the shape of the tummy area (abdomen) is at the core of the procedure and while it gently eliminates fat and excess loose skin while simultaneously tightening the abdominal muscles, it succeeds in reversing the shape to the pre-birth and pregnancy days. The Aesthetica team is well aware that much of the excess tummy skin after losing a lot of weight or after pregnancy does not respond well or effectively to exercise and only a skilled practitioner can restore it to its pristine condition.

The surgeon might add liposuction to ensure a better definition and contour of the waistline. The results are consistent and long-lasting in cases where the patient follows a healthy lifestyle and promise years of gratifying comfort.

The Aesthetica dictate does share with clients the fact that tummy tucks are not a substitute for weight loss or for an appropriate exercise program.

The idea is to return the body to the pre-pregnancy days and tone it for a better sense of self. By the same measure Aesthetica also recommends the tuck for males who may have undergone serious surgery for are facing the flaccid skinfolds after a drastic dieting regimen.

Although this procedure is not recommended to correct stretch marks, it can help improve the appearance as excess skin is removed and tightened.


Fat graft or Lipofiling is the augmentation through your own fat being co-opted to add volume to the buttock area. The fat is collected through liposuction, then processed and transferred to fill the buttocks so there is no risk of rejection of a foreign substance. This procedure is suitable for patients who have an adequate amount of fat in other areas of the body which can be easily and without complications be deployed for the transfer.



Liposuction is a method of removing pockets of fat buildup. Small incisions are strategically made in different areas of the body. A narrow cannula (thin metal tub) is inserted into these incisions, and the fat is then removed with a suction device. Liposuction sculpts the body by removing unwanted fat from certain body areas, including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, upper arms, chin, thighs, cheeks or neck. Liposuction can be safely performed in an outpatient setting, as long as there is not an excessive amount of fat removed. The procedure is often performed with other procedures, such as an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast reduction and breast augmentation.


Over time, especially after childbirth, vaginal tissue has a tendency to overstretch, creating a feeling of looseness (laxity) and reduced sensitivity in the vaginal area.

This can lead to decreased satisfaction during sexual intercourse, creating a significant drop in the quality of life. FemiLift is specifically designed to tone and rebuild the collagen of the vaginal walls and enhance the sensitivity of the vaginal receptors. It also helps in the contraction of the existing vaginal tissue thereby increasing vaginal tightness and improving sexual satisfaction. This process is done with discretion and sensitivity and within cultural norms.




There are many clients like yourself perhaps who feel awkward about their behinds because they are too small and skinny but do not know how to bring up the subject. Gluteal or Buttock augmentation, also referred to as a “Brazilian Butt Lift” is the surgical procedure to increase the size of the buttocks using injectable (which can be patients own fat or fillers) or butt implants or a combination of both to produce the necessary curvature.

This brings about a fullness and roundness which then give you the confidence of an improved balance in your body figure and shape and an enhancement to your self-esteem.


Liposuction or ‘lipo’ as it is popularly known is now a straightforward surgical procedure that slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess localized fat deposits and improving your body contours and bringing back a welcome sense of proportion. It can be performed to remove excess fat from thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, inner knee, chest area, cheeks, chin and neck, calves and ankles.

Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise. It is also not an effective treatment for cellulite—the dimpled skin that typically appears on the thighs, hips and buttocks—or loose saggy skin. It can, however, be combined with other treatments to improve skin laxity and appearance.

Liposuction can be ultrasound assisted (UAL), LASER assisted (LAL) or more recently radiofrequency assisted. All modalities can get similar results but downtime and recovery associated with each can vary and the choice of these options is a matter between the client and the doctor in attendance so there is total transparency on what can be expected.



There comes a time after you have delighted in the delivery of life and had your quota of children that you are not having any more. For patients who have decided their childbearing days are behind them, the eminent Dr. Russo has patented a program and a process designed to take you back the pre-baby days and give your body an optimum lift. He engages in this process by encouraging a breast lift or augmentation replete with a body transformation (liposuction and tummy tuck) at the same time. Before you know it you feel fitter, tighter and full of a youthful energy. The optics are self-pleasing and markedly evident. Hundreds of women have taken a new lease on their bodies by using the Mommy Makeover to their advantage.


The stomach area or the abdomen often resists even those who have a proper exercise and diet regimen and time and gravity impact on this area. An Aesthetica special is a tummy tuck to tighten sagging skin and pull in the slack making you thinner, healthier and more inclined to enjoy fashionable clothes from which you were beginning to step aside.

It has been proven that pregnancy results in stretching of the lower abdomen including the skin and also the muscle layers. The extent of a tummy tuck covers the inner layers of the abdomen and also addresses the loose skin of the lower abdomen.

Surgeons also factor in the option of a liposuction if excess fat needs to be removed so that the final outcome is more than satisfactory. The Dr Russo method has been tried and tested as friendly, non-invasive and oriented towards making Mommy feel and look like she did before she became pregnant.


Buttocks implants are most appropriate for treating flat or poorly defined buttocks, particularly for patients who have limited fatty tissue.

A soft, shaped silicone implant is placed through an incision which is concealed inside the natural buttock crease although, if preferred, an alternate incision site may be used. The implant is positioned in a pocket below the large buttock (gluteal) muscle and above the pelvic bone and gives the area a certain gravitas.


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